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Advisory Board Meeting Minutes of October 2, 2023

The MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) Advisory Board met on Monday, October 2, 2023, at 10:00 AM at the call of Joseph Nolan, Advisory Board Chair/Wayland.

A roll call of members present was conducted; in attendance were: Ed Burman/Ashland-Vice Chair, Kevin McCabe/Dover, Michael Tusino/Framingham, Linda Marshall/Holliston, Carole Mullen/Hopedale, Trish Pope/Marlborough, Michael Walsh/Milford, Josh Ostroff/Natick, Robert Wolff/Sherborn, Sam Stivers/Southborough, Debra Galloway/Sudbury – Clerk, Joseph Nolan/Wayland - Chair, Colette Aufranc/Wellesley, and Jean MacQuiddy/Weston.

Also participating: Jim Nee/Administrator, Eva Willens/Deputy Administrator, John Glynn/CFO, Patrick Moynihan/General Counsel, Daniel Fitch/IT Consultant, Linda Murtagh/Executive Assistant, HR Manager, Joy Glynn/Grants Manager, Tyler Terrasi/Grants Support Coordinator, Paula Doucette/ Financial Assistant, Emily Van DeWoestine/Director of Fixed Route, Intermodal and Marketing, and Bruce Willens/Fleet Director.

Not participating: Mary Jo Lafreniere/ Hopkinton and Kristina Johnson/Hudson.

With a quorum declared present, the meeting was called to order at 10:02 AM with Mr. Nolan, presiding.

Public Questions/Comments (2 minutes individual limit) No public comments were presented.

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes June 26, 2023, A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: Approval of minutes from the Advisory Board Meeting of June 26, 2023. Second by Ms. Pope of Marlborough. The vote was unanimous. Kevin McCabe of Dover abstained.

Finance & Audit (F&A) Committee Report FY 2024 Budget: Ms. Aufranc, F&A Chair, briefly reviewed the proposed FY 2024 budget amendments that the F&A Committee discussed and approved at its September 27, 2023 meeting. The proposed amendments recommended are reflective of the increase in state contract assistance (SCA) recently approved by the legislature and the governor and will allow for employee recruitment, retention, and growth. This increase in SCA also addresses previous concerns raised by the Administrator regarding potential funding shortfalls in FY 2025 and beyond. Annual Audit: There was a clean opinion of the MWRTA financial statements from our outside auditor with few recommendations, including establishing a reserve account to pay down the revenue anticipation note (RAN). In reviewing the FY 2023 budget vs. actuals, reinstitution of fares took longer than anticipated to implement; ridership and revenue were less than expected due to COVID, and fuel cost was lower than anticipated as gas prices did not rise to projected levels. Cybersecurity: Staff will hire an outside consultant, utilizing grant funds that are anticipated to become available, to review security controls and ensure oversight. F&A Committee reorganization: Ms. Aufranc will remain Chair, with Mr. Nolan remaining a member. Ms. Marshall has resigned as a committee member. The committee is looking for a replacement. Mr. Ostroff volunteered to join the Committee. All interested parties should email the Administrator.

Administrator’s Report The Administrator summarized the memo, dated September 18, 2023, sent to the Advisory Board. The FY2024 state budget was very favorable to the RTAs. Based on the equity adjustments this year, the MWRTA will receive $9.35 million in SCA, which is an increase of $6,002,890 over FY 2023.

Reserve Accounts Discussion/Approval As stated by Ms. Aufranc in the F&A Committee Report it has been recommended by the outside Auditor that MWRTA establish a reserve account under M.G.L. c. 161B,

s. 6. This provision of the RTA enabling Act allows the Authority to set aside up to 3% of the prior year's local assessment for extraordinary expenses. The Administrator requested that an additional reserve be established pursuant to Section 10 of the Act for the purpose of setting aside funds to reduce the Revenue Anticipation Note (RAN) debt, currently on the books at $8.9 million. The hope is that the Authority will be in a position to pay down the RAN by one-third this fiscal year.

A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To authorize the set up of the requested Reserve Accounts. Second, by Mr. Burman of Ashland. The vote was unanimous.

FY24 Revised Budget Discussion/Approval The revised budget is predicated on the approval of establishing reserve accounts, rider incentive programs, and adjustments to employee benefits. Total budget for FY 6-30-2024 is revised from $13,476,490 in expenditure to $15,173,496.

A motion was made by Mr. Tusino of Framingham: To approve the FY24 Revised Budget. Second, by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.

Fixed Route & Demand Response Contract Amendment Discussion/Approval There are currently two service contracts, Demand Response and Fixed Route. The amendments to each contract will include an increase in the hourly rate paid to the contract of $3.40 per service hour for a revised total of $51.36 per service hour for Demand Response and $54.55 per service hour for Fixed Route. The increase allows the contractor to adjust the rate of pay for their operators to a more competitive wage.

A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To approve the Demand Response Contract Amendment.

Second, by Ms. Galloway of Sudbury. The vote was unanimous.

A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To approve the Fixed Route Contract Amendment.

Second, by Mr. Burman of Ashland. The vote was unanimous.

Vehicle Purchase Discussion/Approval The MWRTA Administrator seeks to replace up to 10 CNG vehicles. The acquisition of these vehicles requires the Board's approval. Under the MWRTA by-laws for purchases over 5% of the Annual FY24 Budget ($758,674.80). The total potential cost for the purchase of the vehicles is $1,716,980. This procurement will be through Coach Bus Salesoff of a statewide MassDOT approved contract. Funding will be provided using 5307 and RTA CAP funds. Additional funding sources may also become available this year, as well. The potential for purchasing larger buses for future expanded service was also discussed.

A motion was made by Mr. Ostroff of Natick: To approve the Vehicle Purchase. Second, by Ms. Marshall of Holliston. The vote was unanimous.

Board Member Comments The Board recognized Mr. Nee’s diligent work with the legislative delegation representing MWRTA, MassDOT, and other RTAs to develop a fair share budget. Mr. Nee expressed special appreciation for the efforts of Senate President Karen Spilka.

Scheduling of Next Meeting: Likely January 2024. Specific date to be determined.

Adjourn: A motion was made by Mr. Ostroff of Natick: To adjourn the meeting. Second by Kevin McCabe of Dover.

The meeting adjourned at 10:53 AM.


The undersigned, being the duly qualified acting clerk of the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority Advisory Board acknowledges that the foregoing minutes accurately reflect the actions taken at a legally convened meeting of the Advisory Board held on October 2, 2023.

Debra Galloway of Sudbury, Clerk

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MetroWest Regional Transit Authority
15 Blandin Ave.
Framingham, MA 01702
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 4:00pm

P: 508-935-2222

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