The MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA) Advisory Board met on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the call of Joseph Nolan, Advisory Board Chair/Wayland.
A roll call of members present was conducted; in attendance were: Ed Burman/Ashland-Vice Chair, Kevin McCabe/Dover, Michael Tusino/Framingham, Michael Walsh/Milford, Morgan Grifiths/Natick, Robert Wolff/Sherborn (not yet sworn in), Sam Stivers/Southborough, Debra Galloway/Sudbury – Clerk, Joseph Nolan/Wayland - Chair, Colette Aufranc/Wellesley, and Jean MacQuiddy/Weston.
Also participating: Jim Nee/Administrator, Eva Willens/Deputy Administrator, John Glynn/CFO, Patrick Moynihan/General Counsel, Daniel Fitch/IT Consultant, Linda Murtagh/Executive Assistant, HR Manager, Joy Glynn/Grants Manager, Tyler Terrasi/Government Affairs Officer, Paula Doucette/ Financial Assistant, and Cameron Sullivan, Procurement Specialist.
Public Attendance: Alexia Obar
Not participating: Linda Marshall/Holliston, Carole Mullen/Hopedale, Mary Jo Lafreniere/ Hopkinton, Kristina Johnson/Hudson, and Ryan Egan/Marlboro
With a quorum declared present, the meeting was called to order at 10:03 AM with Mr. Nolan presiding.
Public Questions/Comments (2 minutes individual limit): No public comments were presented.
A. A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: Approval of minutes from the Advisory Board Meeting of April 22, 2024. Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
B. A motion was made by Mr. Burman of Ashland: Approval of minutes from the Executive Session held during the Advisory Board meeting of April 22, 2024. Second by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley. The vote was unanimous.
C. A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To release the Executive Session minutes of April 22, 2024 for public review. Second by Mr. Stivers of Southborough. The vote was unanimous.
Administrator’s Report: Mr. Nee reported the following items:
A. Key Operating Metrics: there was a significant increase in fixed route ridership from January-May 2024, compared with January-May 2023. This has been attributed to recent service expansion efforts, as well as a reduction of impacts related to COVID.
B. Active Audits: MWRTA recently completed and released its FYE2023 annual financial audit, performed by its Independent Auditor, Bruce Norling. The Authority has also received the draft of its Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Audit, which occurs every two years. There were no findings within this audit, and the final version will be sent to the Audit and Finance Subcommittee for review upon receipt by MWRTA. The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will conduct a site visit for its 2024 Triennial Audit in early August. MWRTA anticipates that the follow-up interview will occur shortly after the date of the visit.
C. FY2025 Budget Process: the Commonwealth’s FY2025 budget development process is ongoing.
D. Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transit Transformation Program (TTP): MWRTA received funds through the Boston MPO’s new Transit Transformation Program (TTP) for the acquisition of heavy duty transit buses, as well as its Blandin Hub Equitable Redesign Initiative. These projects have been approved by the Boston MPO Board.
E. Grants:
1. MWRTA submitted applications to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) FY2024 5339(b) and 5339(c) grant programs. The Authority anticipates receiving results for these applications in early July.
2. MWRTA’s Blandin Energy and Sustainable Storage Technology (BESST) Project, made possible through a United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Stage 1 Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transit (SMART) program award, is also ongoing. The Authority anticipates that it will be prepared to apply for SMART Stage 2 when the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is released in the next month.
3. MWRTA will also soon receive vehicles and operating funds through a MassDOT Community Transit Grant Program (CTGP) award.
Discussion: Mr. Nolan congratulated the MWRTA team on completing its series of audits. He also commended the MWRTA team for working diligently to pursue funding opportunities that will allow for investment in the Blandin Hub facility. Mr. Nee confirmed that discretionary grant funds allocated for vehicle acquisition will ensure the agency can continue to grow and better serve the needs of its member municipalities. Ms. Aufranc expressed that the increase in ridership is welcome, and noted that increased ridership demonstrates that investments in the service are encouraging a mode shift to public transit.
F. Service Updates:
1. MWRTA continues to expand fixed route services throughout evenings and weekends, and has begun a pilot of seasonal routes which will last through summer 2024. MWRTA will revise this pilot in the future based on feedback from the public, and will hold community engagement opportunities as expansion efforts are planned. MWRTA publishes information regarding these routes in a variety of languages throughout newspapers and community bulletins, and plans to conduct additional outreach through multilingual radio stations.
2. MWRTA recently implemented frequency enhancements throughout several routes, thanks to the efforts of its maintenance team. Further frequency improvements are forthcoming.
3. MWRTA will launch its Catch Connect microtransit (MT) program in Sudbury, thanks to a grant award. The Authority also hopes to implement enhanced frequency and hours throughout its Wellesley Catch Connect program in fall 2024.
Discussion and Approval – Final FY2025 Budget: Mr. Glynn reviewed the final MWRTA FY2025 budget, which is subject to the release of the Commonwealth’s FY2025 budget. The legislature is considering a fare free program for RTAs, and replacement revenue sources are still pending. Other estimates presented in the budget relate to service hours, Call Center operations, and fuel. Several increases in expenses also influenced the final budget. Expenses will be financed through transportation revenue, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, State Contract Assistance (SCA) revenue, and other sources. Mr. Glynn assured board members that the MWRTA is well-poised to spend its ARPA allotment by the deadline at the end of 2026.
A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To approve the final FY2025 budget as presented.
Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
1. Mr. Nee summarized the Authority’s goals for FY2025, which centered around increasing utility and efficiency metrics. These increases would be accomplished through expanded service frequency and route redesign. Mr. Nee stated that aligning MWRTA ridership levels to match those of its sister RTAs is critical for ensuring a continued steady stream of State Contract Assistance (SCA).
2. Mr. Nee reported that Administrator goals were qualitative in nature and centered around ensuring the system continues to adequately serve its riders. A focal point of these goals will be relative to the development of a Bus Stop Infrastructure Vision Statement in FY2025. When possible, MWRTA partners with its member communities to plan the design and development of bus stops along its routes. MWRTA will also revise its fare policy to ensure it is prepared for future initiatives at the state level. In addition, the Authority will reestablish its Community Engagement Committee, with the goal of holding office hours at regular intervals.
Discussion: Mr. Wolff of Sherborn proposed the idea of expanding demand service efficiency through grouping trips together. Ms. Willens stated that MWRTA groups scheduled trips throughout its demand services wherever possible, and noted that this practice is also regularly undertaken by local councils on aging (COAs). There was also a discussion surrounding a possible performance incentive for the Administrator. It was determined that details surrounding this incentive would be formulated at a future meeting.
A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: to approve the FY2025 Authority and Administrator goals as presented. Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
Discussion and Approval – General Counsel Contract: Mr. Nee reported that the MWRTA entered into contract negotiations with Patrick J. Moynihan, ESQ. at the recommendation of the Advisory Board. The revised contract was presented to board members for review. Contract negotiations were productive, and the MWRTA has been very satisfied with Mr. Moynihan’s performance, experience, and expertise. The revised contract reflects changes related to proposed fees, as well as minor edits to grammar and verbiage.
Discussion: Board members expressed that Mr. Moynihan was well-suited to continue in his role as MWRTA General Counsel. Mr. Nee stated that the MWRTA only seeks the services of outside counsel when cases requiring specific specialized expertise arise.
A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To approve the revised contract between the MWRTA and Patrick J. Moynihan, ESQ. as presented. Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
A. Mr. Nee stated that the MWRTA is seeking to purchase four (4) bus replica trolleys. While the Board recently approved the purchase of these trolleys, the revised proposal included specific capital expenses. These trolleys will allow the MWRTA to meet its goals to expand vehicle and seating capacity throughout popular routes. In addition, these vehicles will provide enhanced marketing and aesthetic value. Mr. Nee stated that public engagement opportunities and board member feedback may eventually result in the formation of a branding scheme for these vehicles. MWRTA’s maintenance team is equipped to ensure these vehicles remain in a state of good repair (SGR).A motion was made by Mr. Stivers of Southborough: To approve the purchase of four (4) trolleys up to $1 million. Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
B. Mr. Nee reported that the MWRTA required board approval for its standard purchase of six (6) Type D with compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles. The Authority orders these 16-passenger vehicles on an annual basis, utilizing federal formula and state capital funds. Allotted funds would also cover costs related to necessary support equipment and infrastructure.
A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To authorize the purchase of six (6) Type D with CNG vehicles at $1.3 million. Second by Mr. Walsh of Milford. The vote was unanimous.
Board Member Comments:
A. Mr. Nolan encouraged board members to ensure officials within their municipalities are aware of MWRTA’s current and future goals and initiatives.
B. Ms. Galloway of Sudbury thanked members of the MWRTA team for their efforts to coordinate the launch of the Sudbury Catch Connect microtransit (MT) service.
Board Reorganization FY2025: Mr. Nolan expressed his desire to remain Chair of the MWRTA Advisory Board. Mr. Burman (Vice Chair) and Ms. Galloway (Clerk) also indicated their interest in maintaining their current roles. Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley stated that she would be transitioning her role on the MWRTA Advisory Board to a newly appointed Transportation and Mobility Manager from Wellesley upon their hire. A motion was made by Ms. Aufranc of Wellesley: To maintain the current organizational structure for the MWRTA Advisory Board and consider subcommittee appointments at the next meeting. Second by Mr.
Stivers of Southborough. The vote was unanimous.
Scheduling of Next Meeting: Mr. Nee stated that the Fares Subcommittee will meet once or twice prior to the next Advisory Board meeting. The date of the next Advisory Board meeting will likely occur in late September or early October, and is contingent on the passage of the Commonwealth’s FY2025 budget.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.
The undersigned, being the duly qualified acting clerk of the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority Advisory Board acknowledges that the foregoing minutes accurately reflect the actions taken at a legally convened meeting of the Advisory Board held on June 25, 2024.
Debra Galloway of Sudbury, Clerk
Advisory Board Meeting - August 19, 2024
Advisory Board Meeting, Executive Session - April 22, 2024
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