Service Announcements

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Route 3 (M-F, Weekend)


Scheduled Times are only approximate; please wait for the MWRTA ten minutes in advance of scheduled times to assure not missing the bus. For up to the minute bus information, please call the MWRTA at 508-935-2222, or visit for GPS tracking.

The MWRTA uses the Flag Down System which allows buses to stop anywhere along their routes to pick up passengers, where it is safe to do so. Passengers can hail MWRTA buses by waving.

Leadership Academy MetroWest - Route 3 Flyer

As part of one of three class projects from the Leadership Academy Class of 2022, the group chose to highlight one of MWRTA's most popular bus routes and create a flyer designating popular stops it makes and connections to local retail, bike/walking trails, and more!  This project helped highlight the services provided by MWRTA, and allows individuals who may not know much about transit to see some of the many places they can travel to via public transportation.

Please see flyers below in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  Feel free to print and share around to those who may find this helpful.  Thank you Leadership Class of 2022!

Route 3 Flyer in English

Folleto de la Ruta 3 en Espanol

Folheto da Rota 3 em Portuguese

Check out the MetroWest Leadership Academy here!

Morning Schedule (AM)

Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) 6:15 7:00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Banana Lot 6:25 7:05 7:40 8:20 8:55 9:35 10:10 10:50 11:25 12:00
MetroWest Medical Center 6:29 7:09 7:44 8:24 8:59 9:39 10:14 10:54 11:29 12:04
Flagg Dr. / Normandy Rd. 6:36 7:16 7:51 8:31 9:06 9:46 10:21 11:01 11:36 12:11
Rose Kennedy Lane 6:37 7:17 7:52 8:32 9:07 9:47 10:22 11:02 11:37 12:12
Walmart 6:44 7:24 7:59 8:39 9:14 9:54 10:29 11:09 11:44 12:19
Sherwood Plaza 6:48 7:28 8:03 8:43 9:19 9:58 10:33 11:13 11:48 12:23
Natick Mall (Wegmans Shelter) 6:53 7:33 8:08 8:48 9:23 10:03 10:38 11:18 11:53 12:28
Stop & Shop 7:01 7:41 8:17 8:56 9:31 10:11 10:47 11:27 12:01 12:37
Framingham High School 7:08 7:48 8:23 9:03 9:38 10:18 10:53 11:33 12:08 12:43
Elm St. / Pinewood Dr. 7:11 7:51 8:26 9:06 9:41 10:21 10:56 11:36 12:11 12:46
Nicholas Rd. / Water St. 7:14 7:54 8:29 9:09 9:44 10:24 10:59 11:39 12:14 12:49
Nobscot Fire Station 7:18 7:58 8:34 9:14 9:48 10:28 11:03 11:43 12:18 12:53
Edmands House 7:21 8:01 8:37 9:17 9:51 10:31 11:06 11:46 12:21 12:56
Framingham Center 7:26 8:06 8:42 9:22 9:56 10:36 11:11 11:51 12:26 1:01
Union Ave. / Lincoln St. 7:31 8:11 8:47 9:27 10:00 10:40 11:15 11:55 12:30 1:05
Banana Lot 7:34 8:14 8:50 9:30 10:04 10:44 11:19 11:59 12:34 1:09
Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12:44 1:15

Evening Schedule (PM)

Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) 12:30 12:55 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Banana Lot 12:40 1:05 1:50 2:20 3:05 3:35 4:20 4:50 5:40 6:55
MetroWest Medical Center 12:44 1:09 1:54 2:24 3:09 3:39 4:24 4:54 5:44 6:59
Flagg Dr. / Normandy Rd. 12:51 1:16 2:01 2:31 3:16 3:46 4:31 5:01 5:51 7:06
Rose Kennedy Lane 12:52 1:17 2:02 2:32 3:17 3:47 4:32 5:02 5:52 7:07
Walmart 12:59 1:23 2:09 2:39 3:24 3:54 4:39 5:10 5:59 7:13
Sherwood Plaza 1:03 1:27 2:13 2:43 3:28 3:58 4:45 5:16 6:05 7:19
Natick Mall (Wegmans Shelter) 1:09 1:33 2:19 2:49 3:34 4:04 4:51 5:22 6:11 7:26
Stop & Shop 1:16 1:40 2:26 2:56 3:42 4:12 4:59 5:32 6:19 7:34
Framingham High School 1:22 1:46 2:32 3:02 3:46 4:16 5:03 5:36 6:23 7:38
Elm St. / Pinewood Dr. 1:25 1:49 2:35 3:05 3:49 4:19 5:06 5:39 6:26 7:41
Nicholas Rd. / Water St. 1:28 1:52 2:38 3:08 3:52 4:22 5:09 5:42 6:29 7:44
Nobscot Fire Station 1:32 1:56 2:42 3:12 3:56 4:26 5:16 5:49 6:36 7:51
Edmands House 1:35 1:59 2:45 3:15 3:59 4:29 5:19 5:52 6:39 7:54
Framingham Center 1:39 2:03 2:49 3:19 4:03 4:33 5:23 5:56 6:43 7:58
Union Ave. / Lincoln St. 1:43 2:07 2:53 3:23 4:07 4:37 5:27 6:00 6:47 8:02
Banana Lot 1:47 2:11 2:57 3:27 4:11 4:41 5:31 6:04 6:51 8:06
Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 6:15 -- 8:15

Weekend Schedule

Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) 8:25 -- -- -- -- -- --
Banana Lot 8:35 9:46 11:00 12:15 1:30 2:44 3:55
MetroWest Medical Center 8:39 9:50 11:04 12:19 1:34 2:48 3:59
Flagg Dr. / Normandy Rd. 8:46 9:57 11:11 12:26 1:41 2:55 4:06
Rose Kennedy Lane 8:47 9:58 11:12 12:27 1:42 2:56 4:07
Walmart 8:54 10:05 11:19 12:34 1:49 3:03 4:14
Sherwood Plaza 8:58 10:09 11:23 12:38 1:53 3:07 4:18
Natick Mall (Wegmans Shelter) 9:04 10:15 11:29 12:44 1:59 3:!3 4:24
Stop & Shop 9:12 10:23 11:37 12:52 2:07 3:21 4:32
Framingham High School 9:15 10:26 11:40 12:55 2:10 3:24 4:35
Elm St. / Pinewood Dr. 9:18 10:29 11:43 12:58 2:13 3:27 4:38
Nicholas Rd. / Water St. 9:21 10:32 11:46 1:01 2:16 3:30 4:41
Nobscot Fire Station 9:25 10:36 11:49 1:04 2:19 3:33 4:44
Edmands House 9:28 10:39 11:52 1:07 2:22 3:36 4:47
Framingham Center 9:33 10:44 11:57 1:12 2:36 3:50 5:01
Union Ave. / Lincoln St. 9:41 10:52 12:06 1:21 2:36 3:50 5:01
Banana Lot 9:44 10:55 12:09 1:24 2:39 3:53 5:04
Blandin Hub (15 Blandin Ave.) -- -- -- -- -- -- 5:10

Route Map

Route 3 Map

Contact Us

MetroWest Regional Transit Authority
15 Blandin Ave.
Framingham, MA 01702
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 4:00pm

P: 508-935-2222

Dial a Ride: 508-820-4650

F: 508-935-2225

TTY: 508-935-2242

We're on Twitter!

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